WellStream IV Hydration Lounge
Coming Soon
to Glastonbury, CT

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Are you ready to experience a new level of rejuvenation and vitality?

Say goodbye to fatigue, sluggishness, and dehydration with our cutting-edge IV Hydration. Designed to deliver essential fluids, vitamins, and minerals directly into your bloodstream, our advanced infusion treatments are the ultimate solution for rapid hydration and revitalization.

Share your contact info and we will notify you when it’s time to schedule and to show our appreciation will send you offers for special opportunities to experience our services.


    Why try IV therapy? What are the positive effects of IV Hydration & Drip Therapy?


    There are so many reasons to try IV hydration & drip therapy and incorporate it into your wellness plan.  It is a recognized source of hydration therapy whereby fluids, nutrients or medications are delivered directly into your bloodstream, via an IV catheter for personal wellness and health benefits.  Benefits include lessening the effects of seasonal illness, chronic diagnosis, cancer treatments, maternity side effects, exhaustion, and includes alleviating the effects of an evening out. 


    Most common uses of IV Therapy include:


    Rehydration & Replenish – to replace fluids and electrolytes during dehydration lost through illness, exhaustion, vomiting or diarrhea and the dreaded hangover.


    Nutritional and Vitamin Support – IV hydration therapy and drip are a more effective route for administration of essential nutrients, vitamin, and minerals. The use of oral supplements requires higher doses and more frequent consumption.


    Detoxification – boost energy and fight fatigue with carefully blended hydration drips.


    Neuro Boost – an infusion of NAD+ with B vitamins can allow your mind and body to energize and regenerate. 


    The uses are extensive and you can find help for not only dehydration, illness,  and hangover relief but for energy boosts, stomach bug relief, allergy relief, immunity boost, metabolism boost, muscle regeneration, migraine relief, jet lag and beautification when refreshing your skin and hair is what you are needing.


    You can receive immediate benefits from your selected IV hydration drip being delivered directly into your bloodstream.  Bypassing the digestive system ensures the benefits of the selected hydration delivers 100% of each vitamin and mineral.  Your response can be rapid and can last 2-3 weeks.

    Is there available IV therapy near me? Yes! IV therapy bar in Glastonbury, CT – coming soon!


    Only licensed and thoroughly trained nurses can administer IV hydration and drip therapy.  Our registered nurses will explain the hydration menu and deliver the infusion in our relaxing lounge.